Travel, Costs, Hotel Information

How much will it cost me to attend the Southern CBO Summit?

Nothing – attendance is free.

What hotel will the summit be at?

Grand Hyatt San Antonio Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas. Hotel block is secured for confirmed attendees at a rate of $143/night. Limit 3 attendees per CBO.

Who is the audience for the summit?

Community-based organizations in the U.S. South, their staff, and their leadership.

Will meals be provided for the entire duration of the summit?

Yes, meals will be provided for the entire summit.

Will NASTAD be able to pay for our travel and lodging to the summit?

No, travel expenses must be covered by each individual participant.

Will there be a virtual option to attend this meeting?

No, this meeting will be all in-person. Sessions will be recorded and posted online for those who are not able to attend in person.

Does the summit have built-in time to network and meet other CBO staff?

Yes, we will have ample opportunities built into the agenda, as well as informal opportunities outside of the agenda, to network with peers.